Addiction Counseling Competencies

The Transdisciplinary Foundations are

Understanding Addiction Treatment Knowledge Application to Practice Professional Readiness All of these

Treatment Knowledge includes:

Scientifically supported models of treatment Methods for incorporating family in treatment and recovery processes. Research methods in the social and behavioral sciences Understanding the value of an interdisciplinary approach All of these

Clinical Evaluation Elements are:

Counseling Screening and Assessment Service Coordination Both a and c

The process by which the counselor, the client, and available significant others review the current situation and symptoms to determine the most appropriate initial course of action is:

Service Coordination Documentation Screening None of these

At a minimum, a client's data should include :

Current and historic substance use Health, mental health,and substance-related treatment histories Mental and functional statuses Current social, environmental, and/or economic constraints All of these

True or False: Professional addiction counselors assess suicide and/or violence potential of a client using an approved risk-assessment tool.

True False

The initial action plan should be based on:

The needs of the counselor. The needs of the clinic. The needs of the client. None of the above.

The 32-item ACSES assesses addiction counselors’ perceptions of their self-efficacy for addiction counseling skills and includes subscales such as:

Executing specific addiction counseling skills Assessment, treatment planning, and referral skills Working with various co-occurring mental disorders Basic counseling microskills and Group counseling skills All of these

An ongoing process through which the counselor collaborates with the client and others to gather and interpret information necessary for planning treatment and evaluating client progress is:

Counseling Screening Assessment Service Coordination

A client assessment should be sensitive to:

Age and Gender Racial and ethnic culture Disabilities All of the above

What skills are needed to analyze and interpret data to determine treatment recommendations?

Scoring assessment tools Interpreting data relevant to the client Using results to identify client needs and appropriate treatment options Communicating recommendations to the client and appropriate service providers All of these

Document assessment findings and treatment recommendations must be:

Clear, concise, and legible In oral and written form Within the bounds of confidentiality rules and regulations All of these

A collaborative process between the counselor and client which identifies goals is:

Treatment planning Clinical Evaluation Counseling None of these

Treatment plans identify:

Important treatment goals Measurable and time-sensitive action steps Issues related to treatment progress social and legal needs All of these

Skills needed to explain assessment findings to the client includes: 

Translating assessment information into treatment goals and objectives. Interpretting the DSM for the client. Needing to be of the same culture. Proficient nutritional knowledge.

To prioritize the client’s needs addiction counselors must know:

Treatment sequencing and the continuum of care. Hierarchy-of-needs models. Holistic view of the client's biological,psychological, social, and spiritual needs and resources. All of these

True or False: Addiction counselors have respect for the client’s choice of treatment goals.

True False

True or False:There is no need to inform the client of his or her confidentiality rights. 

True False

The process of facilitating the client’s use of available support systems and community resources to meet needs identified in clinical evaluation or treatment planning.

Referral Treatment plan Assessment Service Coordination

Addiction counselors maintain relationships with civic groups, agencies, other professionals, governmental entities, and the community at large to : 

Ensure appropriate referrals Identify service gaps Expand community resources and help address unmet needs All of these

Skills expected for counselors for successful referrals include:

Good oral and written communication. Documenting the referral process accurately Maintaining and nurturing relationships with key contacts in the community. Implementing followup activities with the client. All of these

Service Coordination Elements do not include:

Implementing the Treatment Plan Consulting Group Counseling All of these

Treatment and recovery expectations do not include:

The nature of services Program goals Education and basic life skills Rules regarding client conduct Costs of treatment

What knowledge is important in order to contribute as part of a multidisciplinary treatment team.

Roles and expertise of other team members Knowing more than everybody else on the team Pushing a personal agenda for treatment. Make meeting go as fast as possible.

Informed consent is obtained from the client by:

A Federal or State agency Family and significant others The addiction counselor None of these

Skills needed to demonstrate respect and nonjudgemental attitudes towards clients in contacts with others include:

Counter-transference Advocating with outside systems Charging enough for treatment Medication adminstration

In Continuing Assessment, counselors use techniques to :

Engage the client in the treatment process. Implement followup and continuing care protocols. Measure the client's progress toward treatment objectives All of these

Counselor attitudes that ensure adherence to the treatment plan include:

Providing a confident air of superior expertise Being critical when a client is lazy. Respect for the client's efforts to achieve treatment goals. All of these

True or False: In order to describe and document the treatment process, progress, and outcome,  counselors should know various treatment modalities.

True False

In order to be competent in using accepted treatment outcome measures the counselor should:

Have knowledge of treatment outcome measures. Understand concepts of validity and reliability of measures. Use outcome measures in the treatment planning process. All of the above

Documentation requirements include:

Addiction counseling Other disciplines Funding sources Agencies and service providers All of these

Which one is not an element of counseling:

Individual Counseling Group Counseling Consulting Counseling, Families, Couples, and Significant Others

A collaborative process that facilitates the client’s progress toward mutually determined treatment goals and objectives is:

Consulting Counseling Assessment Screening

Counseling strategies are adapted according to:

Gender,age and sexual orientation Culture, ethnicity Funding sources Both a and b

True or False: A Professional addiction counselor does NOT motivate the client toward involvement in mutual-help groups.

True False

In the 'Client, Family, and Community Education' process, the counselor provides information on :

Risks related to psychoactive substance use. Gender,age and sexual orientation. Culture, ethnicity. None of these.

In providing formal and informal education programs that raise awareness, support substance abuse prevention and the recovery process, counselors do which of the following:

Facilitate discussion Identify, create, and modify relevant educational materials Make public presentations All of these

The continuum of care and resources available to the family and concerned others include:

Mutual-help groups Local health, allied health, and behavioral health resources. Federal, State agency Both a and c

Addiction counselors teach life skills, including :

Stress management and relaxation Communication, assertiveness, and refusal skills Both a and b None of these

The recording of the screening and intake process, assessment, treatment plan, clinical reports, clinical progress notes, discharge summaries, and other client-related data refers to:

Assessment Documentation Consulting Screening

Skills of client record management include:

Timely, clear, complete and concise records that comply with regulations. Document information in an objective manner and use new technologies Write legibly All of these

The essential components of client records include:

Release forms Assessments Treatment plans and progress notes Discharge summaries and plans All of these

To protect client rights to privacy and confidentiality, counselors should have knowledge in:

Federal, State, and program confidentiality rules and regulations. The application of confidentiality rules and regulations Confidentiality rules and regulations regarding infectious diseases. The legal nature of records. All of these

True or False: To record progress of clients in relation to treatment goals and objectives, counselors use appropriate clinical terminology and standardized abbreviations

True False

The components of a discharge summary do not include:

Client profile and demographics Diagnoses and critical incidents Costs of treatment Outcome and continuing care plan

The professional context within which the counselor works to maintain professional standards and safeguard the client defines the:

Professional codes of ethics Transference Countertransference Self-evaluation

Factors that influence client behavior are all of the following EXCEPT:

Personality, culture, lifestyle Health promotion strategies for the counselor Signs, symptoms, and patterns of violence against persons Culturally sensitive counseling methods

Supervisory options to process personal feelings and concerns about clients include:

Supervisory feedback Client responses Models of supervision All of these

Self-evaluations of professional performance are conducted by:

Applying ethical, legal and professional standards. Getting feedback from colleagues and supervisors. Using self-assessment tools. All of these.

The Substance Abuse Librarians and Information Specialists (SALIS), search materials relevant to the eight practice dimensions using:

Medline Psych Info ETOH and ERIC (U.S. Department of Education) SALIS's library catalog databases All of these